SOR4D programme: 7 transdisciplinary projects selected
The Solution-Oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme is a joint funding instrument between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the SNSF. It promotes new ways and different dynamics of transdisciplinary research for development among researchers and development actors. SOR4D projects are thematically open but must contribute directly to the objectives of sustainable development.
In a first meeting in July 2022, the SOR4D review panel invited 17 of the 75 pre-proposals submitted for submission of a full proposal. In a second meeting in November 2022, out of the 17 submitted proposals, the SOR4D review panel recommended 7 projects for funding from. The SNSF Research Council and its Presiding Board approved this selection. The budget of the 7 selected projects totals CHF 6.4 million.
The selected projects cover a wide array of disciplines ranging from agricultural engineering, applied psychology, environmental sciences, human ecology, public health to social geography.